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giovedì 22 novembre 2018

German Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2019: an Interview with Curator Franciska Zólyom

My Art Guides, 22 Nov 2018

German Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2019: an Interview with Curator Franciska Zólyom


We interviewed Franciska Zólyom, curator of the German Pavilion 2019, following the press conference in which the artist to represent Germany at the upcoming Venice Biennale was announced. The curator has provided us with first hand insight into the project she's working on with artist Natascha Süder Happelmann.

Mara Sartore: How do you feel about being chosen to curate the German Pavilion?

Franciska Zólyom: It is an exciting project indeed. I could feel this soon after I was informed that I was selected as curator of the German Pavillon. It was an extremely inspiring process to figure out what kind of artistic realisation I'd like to propose for the audience of the Venice Biennial. As a visitor I have attended the biennial several times and I like the ambience of the Giardini as well as all the discoveries in the pavilions spread throughout the city of Venice.

Mara Sartore: During the recent press conference the artist was announced by Helene Duldung, the artist's own spokeswoman who said: 'The artist chosen for the presentation at the German Pavilion at the Biennale di Venezia 2019 is …. Natascha Süder Happelmann.' A new name in the art world actually, no one had heard of the artist and she herself didn't say a word, her head was hidden under a stone made of papier-maché. That was an intentional misspelling of Natascha Sadr Haghighian. Tell us a bit about this issue…

Franciska Zólyom: Names are powerful. They not only designate beings and things they also constitute, determine and identify them. By doing so they also distinguish, separate them from each other and ascribe meaning and value to them. In art there are again and again „names" that you supposedly shouldn't miss. However in my understanding art is a continuous search for forms of expression for ways to depict and to imagine the world in ways we don't know yet. In this sense it is important to look for alliances, connections and affinities between forms of being. To overcome demarcations and the effects of discrimination that they entail.

Mara Sartore: Could you tell us something about the way yourself and the artist will respond to theme of this year's biennale, "May You Live in Interesting Times"?

Franciska Zólyom: We didn't know about Ralph Rugoff's concept when we started to conceptualise the project. His statement is inspiring in that it asks for the imaginative potential and critical agency of art. I think that visitors will gain awareness of the specific context in which the main exhibition is embedded.

Image on top: Franciska Zólyom © Stefan Fischer

Read the full interview on My Art Guides.

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