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lunedì 21 giugno 2010

4HAITI: 22nd June at Le Dictateur



The Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti (1947-1953)


Kanaval: Vodou, Politics and Revolution on the streets of Haiti


22nd JUNE 2010 from 7PM to 10PM at Le Dictateur, Via Nino Bixio, 47, Milan


GLORIAMARIAgallery thanks Le Dictateur for its cordial hospitality and is delighted to present the film by Maya Deren “The Devine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti”.  There will also be a projection of images from the English photographer and director Leah Gordon, taken from her recently published book “Kanaval: Vodou, Politics and Revolution on the Streets of Haiti.”

The unique title of Maya Deren’s film derives from the fact that, in Haiti’s folklorist religion, Vodou, we find the trance as an important part of the ritual. It is believed that the spirit, the loa, chooses one to be possessed. The chosen one is considered a “horse” for the spirit who is called to mount him or her during the ceremony.

From the images of Leah Gordon emerge, like archetypical structures, the Conquest, Slavery and the Revolt that two centuries ago was the crowning moment of the independence from the French armed forces which had so easily subjugated other colonies, but which could not maintain its suppression of the courageous and proud Haitian people.

Maya Deren, (Kiev, 1917 – New York, 1961). In 1946 Deren won a grant at the Guggenheim Foundation and had the chance to travel to Haiti, where she deeply studied the Vodou culture. Deren visited Haiti between 1946 and 1954 and not only filmed, recorded and photographed many hours of vodou ritual, but also participated in the ceremonies. She documented her knowledge and experience of Vodou in Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti (New York: Vanguard Press, 1953), edited by Joseph Campbell, which is considered a definitive source on the subject.


Leah Gordon, (UK, 1959 -) visited Haiti for the first time in 1991, and has continued the relationship ever since. In 1994 Gordon was the official photographer for the 1994 Amnesty International Report on Haiti. She has exhibited widely and her images feature in numerous public and private collections including that of the National Portrait Gallery, London. The book “Kanaval: Vodou, Politics and Revolution on the Streets of Haiti” has been published recently and Riflemaker gallery in London will host her solo show in July 2010.

* Special Thanks to Leah Gordon, Marco Tagliafierro, Federico Pepe and Pierpaolo Ferrari, for their help, encouraging support and precious time.


** Image Courtesy of Leah Gordon  


For further information please contact:  pr@gloriamariagallery.com


GLORIAMARIAgallery | Via Watt 32 | 20143 Milan | T +39 02 8708 8548 | www.gloriamariagallery.com 



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