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martedì 11 ottobre 2016



Massimo Paracchini will be present in New York and Washington with the video exhibition of his work "Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling, from the Alchemic-Cosmic Dimension to Primordial Chaos", oil on board, 80x100.

The appointments dates are respectively:

13th October, 2016 - New York, Meeting Room  Jolly Madison Towers 22 E 38th st

16th October, 2016 - Washington, Meeting Room Sofitel Washington DC Lafayette Square 806 15th.

The events are organized by EA Editore, Palermo, Italy

Title of the work: "Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling from the Alchemic – Cosmic Dimension to Primordial Chaos", oil on board, 80x100.



In every work of art,  the artist  will have to seize the dynamic vibrations of the fluctuating Universe in a continuous Alchemic Krometamorphosis; going beyond the classical laws of the three-dimensional space deriving from the Arcadian – Euclidean tradition, he will reach a completely new dimension, a-temporal, infinite, eternal and cosmic in which matter is going to trans-atomize into a pure, fluttering current of color energy as it was at the beginning of the primordial Chaos when everything came into being from an a-dimensional wave of vibrating, running energy.


As everything took its origins from an a-dimensional wave of  vibrating and flowing energy that got atomized through the work of conscience, in the same way the contrary is possible: everything can go back to the original a-dimensional wave through a gradual process of de- materialization and trans-atomization thanks to the technique of  "Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling" in order to reach eventually the Primordial Chaos.

The "Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling" technique lets the colors flow as the wind, as a river in flood that overwhelms and sweeps  everything away; it destructures every form belonging to a mythical world which is dying out together with its Arcadian – Euclidean reality, a reality which was formerly conceived as an idea of order and which later went through a process of Alchemic – Krometamorphic "crushing", coming eventually to pure Chaos: a cosmic, extraordinary Chaos with no bounds, intersected by the hyper-elliptic and hyper-dimensional movements of the Universe and of a mind that dissolves all its thoughts into the krometamorphic "magma" of the soul.


A true work of art can never be made subservient neither to a mythical reality nor to representational art. On the contrary, it will have to be a pure eidetic vision representing a world which is both inward and cosmic, a world to be transfigured into a  hyper-dimensional geometry through an alchemic and dynamic Krometamorphosis coming eventually to primordial trans-atomization thanks to that free and magic sprinkling of color I named "Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling", the true horizon from which everything takes its origins.


Through a  long search path  starting from the primordial colored form  the artist reaches chromatic "trans-atomization" or  atom dematerialization.  Evolution leads  to an actual alchemic and dynamic "krometamorphosis" which dematerializes the picture through the technique of "Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling", a magic and masterly sprinkling that sets the colors free from the mythical  and well defined pictorial  forms of an Arcadian- Euclidean world, a world to be transfigured into a  new, contemporary vision of the artist thanks to a process  of cosmic and mental dynamism.

From " Transcendental Eidetic of Art" by Massimo Paracchini




Massimo Paracchini was born on March 5th, 1962 in Borgomanero, Novara, Italy.

As a child, he studied Art at Professor's Rinone's Studio and then got a Degree at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Turin. Starting with representational art, he evolved towards expressionism, cubism and conceptual art. He elaborated different theories of artistic creation, such as "Cosmic-Alchemic free Sprinkling", "Eidetic and Visionary Trans-Futurism", "Primordial-Chromatic Trans-atomization", "Thought and Soul Interference", "Hyper-elliptic and Hyper-dimensional Geometry", "Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling", "Wavelight Lightning", "Alchemic, Dynamic  and Orphic Kro-metamorphosis", "Chromatic Crushing of the Alchemic Space", "Chromatic Energheia", Astra-geometrical Espressionism" and "Trans-geometry".

His subjects range from animals, still natures, landscapes and portraits to nudes and abstracts.

Techniques: acrylic, oil, tempera, mixed media.

The artist's paintings are in  the Marketplace directed by Vittorio  Sgarbi (www.bebopart.com/it/artista/493-Massimo-Paracchini) and on exhibition at Nelson Cornici Art Gallery in Vercelli and Noli Art Gallery, in Noli (Savona).

He is present in the most important Italian art catalogues and he is appreciated  by Italian art critics such as Paolo Levi, Salvatore Russo,  Sandro Serradifalco, Elena Cicchetti  and Tiziana Tamburi.


Sito web: www.massimoparacchini.it










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