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lunedì 4 febbraio 2013

Great Success for the Artist Abraham Dayan at Palermo Biennal

Day February 3rd 2013 ended the International Art Biennal of Palermo.
Inaugurated by Vittorio Sgarbi on January, 10th,  there were 4 venues: Politeama Theater, Loggiato San Bartolomeo, Villa Malfitano Whitaker, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art "Giuseppe Sciortino" in Monreale.
With more than 50 Nations represented, it is the most important artistic event in Italy for 2013.
"This is the perfect continuation for the work I've done for the Venice Biennale, realized to give prominence to several artists that have been hidden till now". Said Vittorio Sgarbi.
The Art event was a great success with audiences and critics.
For the first time, an Italian event, can be compared with foreign events.
They are the same foreigners who said it, and, in particular, the protagonists of the event, the Artists.
"It was a real success, good to see that, even in Italy, you do so much to promote the New Art."
A big stage that is the International Art Scene.
5000 people took part in the opening ceremonies. Many foreigners have thanked the interpreter, who translated every single action of the most important authorities.
Among the International Artists, great success was achieved by Abraham Dayan, with the work "The Judgment of Solomon." Thanks to its geometrical Art, he received appreciations from various members of the Scientific Committee and several Collectors who visited the Biennale.
He states that after this important goal achieved with the Biennale of Palermo, he wants to go on promoting his art, working together with leading Art experts, focusing particularly on the open Artistic Italian Market. 
"I love Italy - says the artist who lives in Paris and spent some years in New York - a Country full of art and resources that Art can offer. I met the best critics and Art experts. "
Important first step in this collaboration: the creation of a new website:
The double languages- website, has been strongly desired by the artist: Italian to appeal to a wider audience of dealers, Art Collectors and  Italian Dealers, the English to be open to the huge International Market.

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