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martedì 21 febbraio 2012

Aidan Booth's Authority Hybrid

Today is a great day for the future of your online profits (if you
decide to take action) because Aidan Booth's Authority Hybrid has
just gone live and I have an incredible, highly exclusive bonus
package waiting for you on the other side:


The link above will give you all the information on Aidan's new
coaching course, but I strongly recommend you keep reading below if
you didn't catch my email yesterday about my bonus.

Remember, Authority Hybrid is a private insiders' marketing
platform where a total 250 people will be admitted before the doors
close - possibly forever.  It may be exactly what you've been
looking for to take it to the next level.

I'll let Aidan explain all the details, but you should know that
I've assembled a truly unique bonus, the likes of which you won't
find offered by anyone else.

There's no limit, if you get in the doors before they close, you
get my highly exclusive bonus:

BONUS #1: 7 Part Advanced Training Webinar Series

I twisted Aidan's arm to throw in something big and the guy
delivered.  You'll be getting all 7 of these exclusive video webinars
that only a few of his best students were lucky enough to be a part
of.  Here's what's in the package:

Webinar 1: Content Creation Strategies
Webinar 2: $100k Outsourcing Secrets
Webinar 3: Goal Setting, Prioritizing, Time Management
Webinar 4: SEO Jedi Hacks & Tricks
Webinar 5: Google Panda & Advanced SEO
Webinar 6: On-The-Spot Site Reviews
Webianr 7: Covert Email Marketing Tactics

This webinar series is easily worth $297 and Aidan's students paid
much more to get access to them.

BONUS #2: Mini Done for You Link Building Campaign...

I've offered this bonus only once before and basically I have a
team that fully trained in the ways of top flight SEO.  They use
one of my personal link networks - a source only I have for my

I'm offering up my team for you for a mini link building campaign
to any site and keyword you'd like.  These are highly valuable
links on aged blogs all with a PR of 3 or higher.

My team will write 5 pieces of content for you and build 10 links
on my highly exclusive, personal network.  Basically you give us
the domain and keywords and my team does the work.

If you have a site that needs some high quality links to put it
over the top, or as a foundation - this is an incredible value.

BONUS #3: Hot, Never Before Seen - Google Image Activator Plugin

I debated whether to do this or not... but finally I think you should
have this if you decide to join Authority Hybrid through me today.

Recently we worked out an exact process to get your image thumbnail
in the search engines for your sites.  This gives each listing your
get in the SERPs a highly visible and attractive listing that draws
the eye and more clicks (more traffic).

I've released the formula to a few people and it works 100% of the
time... Now, I've had my team develop a Wordpress Plugin that will do
everything for you.  You install the plugin, set a couple settings
and your site is "G Plus Activated"...

Meaning every one of your Wordpress sites can now have a highly
visible thumbnail beside each article that gets indexed in Google.

Normally this privilege is reserved for big name content producers
- but now with this plugin you too can appear as a respected
authority in Google search results.

This is a super-secret-ninja plugin that I don't plan to release to
the public for a while.  ...and it's a limited opportunity.  If you
don't get it through me for f.ree - expect to wait (or never have
access to it at all).

Don't Waste a Single Moment

I know some big name guys are telling their own subscribers about
this opportunity.  Those doors are going to fly shut in no time
flat.  The time to take action is now if you want to be a part of
this awesome group of action takers and get my incredibly valuable
bonus to boot.

This bonus package is the real deal and the only bonus that will do
if you're going to join this private inner-circle of high octane

Here's how to claim your bonus:

1.  Click this link below and join Authority Hybrid through me,
anytime before the doors close:


2. Once you're in, simply create a ticket at my support desk
and paste in your CB receipt:

3. Allow us up to do 48 hours to deliver your bonus in full.

This is one of those rare opportunities to be a part of something
special - don't miss your chance...


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